the internet makes resources so available, there are many copyright
issues. As soon as something is on the internet, it is copyrighted.
However, most people do not know that just because it is on the internet
does not mean it is a free for all; credit must be given where credit
is due. If something is found and you want to use it, it is only okay to
use if you have permission.
I learned about a ton of amazing resources to make my time as an educator one free of copyright infringement! Copyright Clearance Center
finds licenses of works on the internet and lets viewers know what is
acceptable in regards to that specific copyright. I had no idea that
there was an advanced search on Google images to view only “free to use
or share” files. This is incredibly helpful because I would like to use
images others are okay with me using!
A great resource that handles copyrighted information exceptionally is TeachersPayTeachers.
This is specifically for teachers and contains lesson plans, lesson
ideas, clip art, images, and more for others to use either free of
charge or for purchase. When downloaded, there is a required page from
the “seller” to talk about themselves and include the copyright
information. Every page is handled specially so the seller never loses
Holy crap!!! I have no idea there was a website called TeachersPayTeachers that is amazing!! I know we use pintrest for creative ideas when it comes to designing lesson plans but had no idea that you could actually sell your lesson plans. I know that we are in education and that we like to share everything that we post but I know sometimes I would like to have some credit if someone uses something that I have designed. I am definitely going to be using that site often. One thing that I would recommend doing for your links is to have them 'open in a new tab' that way I can still have your blog up(;]) and view your links. The internet is a scary place and it is so easy for use to grab and go and not give credit to the ones that have created the information. I hope that we have a more dedicated lesson over copyright because it is an issue that can get teachers into a lot of trouble.